Sorry for the downtime, everyone. We've had somewhat of a falling out with our previous web host, and as such, we've moved. With that comes a whole lot of work to rebuild the site. We will be rebuilding this over time, but honestly, that time is thin right now, and gaming has actually slowed for many of us during the pandemic.
All apologies for broken links, missing assets and verbiage, etc. If you're coming here from a forum or other community site looking for more information on our mods, plugins, add-ons, et al, we're sorry, but that content is likely lost forever.
What we can do is get it back together the best we can for the future; a future with a better web host, that is.
Here are a few things planned...
Tutorials and guides, links and references, server information, and the like. We'll also try to cover some who-does-what-and-when so we can get people engaged in new games, or reengaged in old favorites.
Our bi-annual gathering of misfits took a hiatus during the pandemic, but will hopefully resume once things are safe again. We'll post all the gory details as things get back to some semblance of normal.
We've always been a community of content creators. Organizing and promoting this content will be a top-tier priority.
We have a lot of members of our community that stream content on Twitch, and other platforms. We'll curate the list, and try to get you to the content you want to see.
Want some random (reads: fun) background music and ambience to read, write, code, scroll, fidget, sleep, shower, do taxes, table-top game, meditate, or chat to?